aprender inglés después de los 50

It turns out that there really is nothing holding older students back after 50- there is no critical period for second-language learning, “no biologically determined constraint on language-learning capacity that emerges at a particular age, nor any maturational process which requires that older language learners function differently than younger language learners.” Older learners have some advantages: they are not only motivated to learn, but they have acquired study strategies, mnemonic devices, literacy skills, and other resources to make learning easier (like a private tutor that comes to the house.) Plus, learning a new language is great for the brain- it actually develops new neural pathways, makes new connections, adds flexibility. And who among us couldn’t use a few new neural pathways?

Don’t find time – make time

My final point in this post answering the question: ‘How long does it take to learn a language?’ learning a language or doing any is not a matter of finding time – it’s about making it.

It’s also a lie because learning a language without a deadline doesn’t have to take a huge commitment of time every day. In fact, even 5 minutes a day will get you far over a year’s time.

Usually people waste a lot of time every day. Here are some of the top time sinks that can be reduced in order to fit in some language learning and greatly reduce How long does it take to learn a language

Commuting: Commuting is great, because it allows you to absorb audio, do courses like Duolingo,

Using social media: Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest are designed to be time sinks. If you want to really optimize your productivity you could turn off your newsfeed in Facebook.

Sleeping: Wake up 15 minutes earlier or go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual. The brain is usually very receptive to learning in the morning – give it a try.

TV/YouTube/Streaming: The domino-effect, binge-streaming or other terms for endlessly watching video content is a huge time sink.

By teacher: Cesar Alejandro Solorio, Ingles Individual Morelia.

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